Author: Kenny Fries
- Tennessee Williams (1)
- IN: Night After Night (1984) Poetry, American
EPIGRAPH: Revolution only needs good dreamers who remember their dreams
FROM: Camino Real, (1953), Play, US
- Adrienne Rich (2)
- IN: Night After Night (1984) Poetry, American
EPIGRAPH: I choose to love this time for once
with all my intelligence
FROM: "Splittings", (1978), Poem, US
- IN: Desert Walking (2000) Poetry, American
EPIGRAPH: Out in this desert we are testing bombs, that's why we came here
FROM: "Trying to talk with a man", (1971), Poem, US
- C. P. Cavafy (1)
- IN: Body, Remember: A Memoir (1997) Memoir, American
EPIGRAPH: Body, remember not only how much you were loved,
not only the beds you lay on,
but also thosedesires glowing openly
in eyes that looked at you
trembling for you in voices --
only some chance obstacle frustrated them
Nowthat it's all finally in yhe past,
it seems almostas if you gave yourself
to those desires too -- how they glowed
remember, in eyes that looked at you,
remember body, how they trembled for you in those voices
FROM: "Body, Remember", (1918), Poem, Egypt
- Ikkyu (1)
- IN: Anesthesia (1996) Poetry, American
EPIGRAPH: Remember that under the skin you fondle lie the bones, waiting to reveal themselves
FROM: NULL, (None), Poem, Japan